Weather Underground
Hole 17 - Par 4
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Hole 17 - Par 4
Hole 8 - Par 4
Black-406 yds ı Blue-370 yds ı White-356 yds ı Gold-320 yds ı Red-317 yds
Handicap - 8
Hole 8 is a 406 yard dog-leg left par 4. The right side is guarded by 2 fairway bunkers. You approach to seventeen is rather mild minus the green-side bunker n the front right. The large undulating green offers a difficult putt depending where you leave your approach.

Hole 17 - Par 4
Long ball hitter can cut the corner here but for the rest of us just follow the fairway to the green.
Players should maintain
their proper position on the
golf course.

A four hour round is our goal

Any group falling behind may be asked to move forward to maintain a reasonable pace
of play.